Coffee Advent Calendar 2020
Ichamama PB – Kenya Ild og Bønner
Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar – 2020
Dec 15
Ichamama PB
Producer: Othaya FCS
Origin: Kenya
Roaster: Ild og Bønner Kaffebrenneri
Cultivar: SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11, Batian
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1750 masl
Taste Profile: Blackberry & Lime up front and then smoothing over to mint chocolate chocolate
Roast Date: 21.11.2020
Othaya Farmers Co-operative Society Limited is situated about 150km north of Kenya’s capital of Nairobi in Othaya Town, Nyeri County. The Society was registered in 1956 as a coffee marketing society with an initial membership of 250 farmers. Currently, the Society has 19 factories with a total membership of 15,000 small scale farmers. It has 13 management and 3 supervisory committee members. The Society has coffee nurseries for coffee seedlings, 19 coffee factories/wet mills and store outlets in each of the wet mills for provision of farm inputs. The Society also has a dry mill that serves the 19 coffee factories through finance raised by selling shares to the members
The coffee is wet processed, where the fully ripe cherries are pulped, fermented for 12 – 48 hours (depending on climatic conditions), washed and then dried slowly over 2 – 3 weeks on raised African beds until the moisture content is reduced to 10-12%. The coffee is then processed at Othaya dry mill where it is rested in parchment for 3 weeks before being hulled, cleaned and graded by bean size. Finally, the coffee is carefully handpicked before being bagged in GrainPro for export from Mombasa.
Ichamama wetmill is situated between two rivers: Rwarai and Chinga River that both originate from The Aberdare Ranges. Nyeri County has cool temperatures and fertile central highlands, lying between the Eastern base of the Aberdare (Nyandarua) Range, which forms part of the Eastern end of the Great Rift Valley, and the Western slopes of Mt. Kenya. Nyeri town (county headquarters) acts as a destination for those visiting Aberdare National Park and Mt. Kenya. The combination of fertile soil, seasonal rainfall and high altitude provide the ideal climate for coffees characterised by high acidity, full body and ripe fruit flavours. Most coffees from Nyeri develop and mature slowly producing extra hard beans. This quality is also evident in the cup

Ild og Bønner Kaffebrenneri
(translation: Fire and Beans Coffee Roastery)
Location: Porsgrunn, Norway (2hrs south of Oslo)
Social: Insta @ild_og_bonner FB: @ildogbonner
Roaster: Petroncini TT 5/10
A small specialty coffee roastery located in Porsgrunn, Norway around two hours south of Oslo. Sourcing ethically and roasting carefully to take care of the product we source as best we can. Currently still a one man show. I/Joel am an Australian now based in Norway. Originally a chef, so I’ve worked with flavour, aroma and balance since I was 15 years old. I certainly hope that I manage to carry this over into the coffees that leave the roastery.