Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar – 2018
Dec 14
Origin: Tarrazu, Costa Rica
Roaster: La Cabra
Cultivar: SL28
Process: White Honey
Altitude: 1900 masl
Harvest Date: March 2018
Taste Profile: Black Currant, Lemon and Hazelnut
Roast Date: 19.11.18
We first visited the Herbazu mill in March 2015, during the same trip where we filmed our ‘Brightness’ movie. The name Herbazu comes from the family name of the brother who own the farm, Los Hermanos Barrantes zuñiga. During our first trip we were very impressed by the brothers’ dedication, and incredibly high levels of quality control and sorting. However, what also intrigued us was their experimentation with alternative varietals. We tasted a small lot of SL28 that had been produced at the farm, that to us, was the cleanest representation of the varietal that we had ever tasted grown outside Kenya. We have often found that SL28 lots don’t deliver on their promise of clean Kenya-like acidity and syrupy sweetness, but this ticked all of those boxes. That lot went on to win the 2015 Costa Rica Cup of Excellence, and ever since we have been waiting to bring some Herbazu SL28 back to Denmark. This year, during our visit in March, we managed to secure a lot of White Honey processed SL28, and it’s delivering everything we hoped. A clean and juicy blackcurrant acidity is backed up by a rich brown sugar sweetness, like we’d expect from an SL28, but the finish is all classic West Valley, with waves of almond and hazelnut. A great example of a coming together of knowledgable farming, an iconic variety, and a region with ideal coffee producing conditions.

La Cabra Coffee Roasters
Location: Aarhus, Denmark
Established: 2013
Roaster: Probat L12
Social: @lacabra #lacabracoffee
We roast with the aim to enhance the innate quality and complexity of these premium coffees, showcasing the work of the producer in the most transparent and delicious way possible. This approach requires that we pay close attention to our raw material when roasting, and that we understand the influence of varietal, terroir and processing conditions. This is a simple approach to coffee, paying attention to green coffee quality above all, and then using roasting and brewing only to highlight the coffee’s finest qualities.