Finca Los Cenizos

Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar – 2021

Dec 1

Finca Los Cenizos

Producer: Estela Pitti
Origin: Cerro Punta, Tierras Altas, Panama
Roaster: Jacu
Cultivar: Geisha
Process: Fully Washed
Altitude: 1900-2150 masl
Taste Profile: Jasmine, apricot, mango stone, sugar cane, chocolate
Roast Date: 15.11.2021

Finca los Cenizos is a family coffee farm located in the highlands of Cerro Punta in a canyon with volcanic soil. The coffee trees benefit from the presence of natural water sources and grow under the shade of ancient ash trees. These ideal conditions allow the cherries to ripen slowly and extend the ripening season, thus promoting the development of the complex aromas of this Geisha. 99% of the finca’s employees are members of the Ngäbe Bugle tribe

Finca Los Cenizos is owned by Estela Pitti. This privileged terroir is surrounded by natural springs. The 15-hectare farm is located between 1900 and 2150 metres above sea level and the coffee trees grow under the shade of hundred-year-old ash trees. 99% of the farm’s employees belong to the Ngabe Bugle community. Estella Pitti and her family grow the Geisha, catuai and pacamara varieties.

jacu coffee

Om Jacu

Når de kommer til huset vårt brenner vi dem på vår Giesen W15. Vi brenner på bestilling fra våre kunder, og pakker og sender samme dag så langt vi rekker.

Vårt fokus er å være en god produksjon og støtte opp om våre forhandlere som er kaffebarer og cafeer i hele Norge. Men hver fredag fra 10.00-13.00 åpner vi opp brenneriet og serverer kaffen som vi har brent den uka. Dette gjør vi for å få jobbe tett med råvarene våre, følge dem «helt til koppen», og kjenne på hvordan kaffen fungerer i kaffebar. I tillegg liker vi så godt å vise frem, og invitere folk inn i produksjonen og snakke om kaffe.

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11 thoughts on “Finca Los Cenizos

    • Tyler Olson says:

      Oh dear – I’m sorry you didn’t like this day. Perhaps Geisha simply isn’t your variety. How were you brewing the coffee? We like to use 6g coffee for every 100g water. So, for a 200g brew, Id use 12g coffee, which is quite finely ground.

  1. Helene Evjen Dahl says:

    Syrlig, fin smak! Min første opplevelse med adventskalenderen, gleder meg til fortsettelsen. Spennende og flott prosjekt.

  2. somotho says:

    Oh wow… What a promising opening entry! Starting strong and not holding back, eh? Wonderful coffee!

    The design of the tubes are as high quality as the coffee they contain. I’m glad, as sometimes more effort goes into the design rather than the contents. ;p

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