Coffee Advent Calendar 2019
El Encanto – Colombia
Fuglen Coffee Roasters
Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar – 2019
Dec 11
El Encanto
Producer: Juan Saldarriaga
Origin: Antioquia, Colombia
Roaster: Fuglen Coffee Roasters
Cultivar: Pink Bourbon
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1600 masl
Taste Profile: Orange zest, chocolate, herb-like
Roast Date: 21.11.19
Juan Saldarriaga is a young producer who took over his family’s farms in 2012. This coffee is a fully washed process and the variety is the infamous Pink Bourbon, a variety from Colombia but no one is certain of its genetic profile.
When Juan took over management of his family’s farms he started to plant several different and new cultivars, everything from unusual Castillos, Caturras and Tabis, to Bourbon, Geisha and SL28s, among others. So far he has been figuring out how each variety performs in the environment. In the future he plans to increase production of the varieties that thrive.
Since we started working with Juan, he has built several different types of drying facilities, changed the processing, and started to manage a few other farms in the area. We are especially surprised by the effect the improved drying has on his coffees. He is drying a lot of our washed coffees under shade, and the naturals in a specially designed mechanical «cold dryer».
El Encanto is one of Juan’s two farms, and it happens to be his father’s favourite farm, where they like to retreat from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the beautiful views and tranquility. It’s an exceptionally well kept coffee farm, and even has a variety garden to show the huge range in coffee plants.

Fuglen Coffee Roasters
Location: Oslo, Norway
Established: 2018
Roaster: 1956 Probat UG-15
Social: @fuglencoffee_oslo
Our small coffee roastery with focus on sourcing the highest quality, most unique & freshest coffee available for the season.We are buying as directly as possible from what we believe are the best coffee farmers around the world. We roast the beans lightly – Nordic style – to enhance all the distinct and natural flavours of coffee. This is how we like it best, and hope you do too