Coffee Advent Calendar 2020
Capucas Anaerobic – Honduras Langøra Kaffe
Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar – 2020
Dec 3
Capucas Anaerobic
Producer: Cafetalera Capucas Cooperative
Origin: Las Capucas, Copan, Honduras
Roaster: Langøra Kaffe
Cultivar: Caturra & Catuaí
Process: Anaerobic Natural
Altitude: 1200-1500 masl
Taste Profile: Ripe cherries, mango, vanilla
Roast Date: 16.11.2020

This microlot was created using cherries from multiple smallholders that deliver their cherries to Capucas Mill, all located on the fringes of the Celaque National Park in the Copán region.
The cherries are processed at Capucas mill. After being separated, the cherries are loaded into a sealed stainless steel tank for up to 72 hours. They are then taken to shade covered raised beds where they dry for up to 30 days.

Langøra Kaffe
Langøra Coffee Roasters are based in a little red ‘ Stabbur ‘, a traditional storehouse at Hjelseng Farm in Stjørdal, Norway. We select and purchase traceable speciality coffees, in season, with characteristic flavour profiles that excite us.
The quality of coffee depends on factors such as region, terroir, variety and processing. Together they contribute to form each coffee’s unique flavour. Through the roasting process the team at Langøra wish to highlight these characteristics, so that the natural flavours and aromas of the coffee are preserved.
Aaaah wonderful! Great Coffe! Love this one! Thank you. Perfect to the homemade ice cream I teach people to create and explore. The vanilla and cherries oooh! Thanks again!
Awesome to hear 🙂 Thanks for the feedback.