Muruta Cup of Excellence – Burundi

Producer: Salume Ramadhan
Buziraguhindwa Washing Station
: Kayanza, Muruta, Burundi
Roaster: Solberg & Hansen
Cultivar: Bourbon
Process: Washed
Elevation: 2000 masl
Taste Profile: Scents of raspberries with floral touches. Taste of yellow stone fruit and orange. Refreshing coffee with a sweet, floral and long aftertaste
Roast Date: Nov 22

The quality level has never been higher than when the Cup of Excellence was last held in Burundi. Among the winners on the table, we picked out this unprecedented party from Muruta in Kayanza, produced by our good partner Salume Ramadhan

Solberg & HansenSolberg_Hansen_Logo

We (Solberg & Hansen) are the largest and oldest specialty coffee roaster in Norway, yet keep their focus on the future.  It has made us a pioneer in the coffee industry, both in Norway and internationally. We started travelling the world early in search of the planet’s finest coffee districts. We see this as one of our most important tasks. Because of this, we can share knowledge and create long-term relationships with dedicated and skilled coffee farmers, farms and cooperatives.

This has contributed to a focus on sustainability and fair trade has been fundamental values in our part of the industry. Meanwhile, it is our main quality assurance. Through traveling and close cooperation can we follow the raw material all the way back to the coffee flower’s first shot. It is thanks to this traceability that we obtain green beans and tea leaves that holds exceptionally high quality.