Manuel Vallecillo

It’s December 15th, and we have a bright and clean coffee for you from Swerl.

Coffee Name: Manuel Vallecillo
Taste Profile: Very bright and clean with notes of yellow plum and kiwi. Winey with raspberry sweetness, and an umami complexity. 
Origin: El Ocotillo, Santa Barbara, Honduras
Producer: Manuel Vallecillo at Finca Los Primos
Variety: Pacas
Process: Washed
Harvest date: 2022/2023
Altitude: 1800 masl

Roast Date: 9 Nov. 2023

“This coffee is a really limited lot of one of the best Pacas we’ve drunk this year, successfully grown and processed by Manuel Vallecillo.

Manuel comes from a big family of coffee growers and coffee lovers. The whole family has been dedicated to coffee cultivation for three generations now and successfully continues to develop and improve their coffee quality year after year.

When Manuel was only 23 years old his grandfather gave him a property situated at 1200masl. Manuel worked hard for the next 8 years but due to low coffee prices and low production yields he decided to obtain a job in the city to resolve his economic issues.

In 2010 he received an opportunity to purchase a 10 hectare piece of land in the El Ocotillo village in Santa Barbara region which is very well known for producing high quality coffee.

With the help of his cousins, Manuel was able to plant over 7 hectares of his land with coffee. Manuel’s cousin is the current farm manager and the farm’s name translates directly to that “the cousins”.

In 2017 Manuel participated in the Late Harvest National Competition and placed 2nd. After he won he said that “The coffee from my farm has surprised me a lot, has exceeded my quality expectations; winning 2nd place encourages me a lot to continue working hard to maintain and improve the quality of my coffee for the buyers”.”

Did you love this coffee?

Specialty Coffee Advent Calendar – Best of

Grab a 70g bag of coffee, filled with your favorite beans from this year’s Advent Calendar.  Be quick to reserve yours, as we only have a few bags of most days. Coffee ships in 70g bags If a day is missing, it means we’re sold out of that day

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: 352573

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